Our Plant Friends Need
Good Soil Structure

BK ROT Compost is handmade made with coffee grounds, clean sawdust, woodchips and food scraps from small local businesses and residential households. When added to potted soil, organic compost can add a rich texture that encourages plant growth.
Strong Water Retention

The organic matter content in BK ROT Compost increases the water holding capacity of dense, tightly-packed soil. This allows moisture to better penetrate a plant's roots, disperse more evenly, and reduce the need for frequent watering.
A Mix of Nutrients

The wide variety of ingredients used in making BK ROT Compost gives it a wide range of nutrients for sustaining plants. It also acts as a slow-release fertilizer, giving plants access to micro-nutrients that allow plants to extract vitamins from the soil.
How to Apply Compost
Integrate a 1-inch layer of compost into indoor containers and window boxes before planting.
TREE PITS & Shrubs
Planting: Dig a hole twice the size of the plant's root ball. Place the plant into the hole and fill it with a mixture of the soil you dug up and compost.
Tree Pit Care: Loosen the top 2-3 inches of soil to alleviate compaction. Apply a 3-inch layer of compost and mulch to tree pit (rot beware - don't pile mulch against tree trunk!). Maintain the same soil level around the tree as when it was planted.
If planting in boxed beds, containers, or directly into the soil, evenly mix a 2 to 4 inch layer of compost over your growing area using a pitchfork or trowel. If you don't have enough, then put a handful of compost in each hole while planting seeds or transplants.
Mix compost into your potting soil - or make your own potting mix! Optimal mixes will have 50% regular soil and no more than 50% compost (otherwise your plants could get too dependent on compost).
Potting Mix:
1 part BK ROT compost.
1 part garden loam or topsoil.
1 part clean builder's sand or perlite.